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Will employers look at your social media?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 7 years ago
  • Author: Georgina Moehle

​An overwhelming number of people will check your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles when they are recruiting; make sure you optimise yours for success.

Understand Facebook privacy settings

There’s no need to delete your Facebook account altogether, but you might want to restrict access to anything more than your profile picture and bio. Privacy settings are provided, but policies change frequently, so you’ll want to be aware of exactly what is and isn’t open to the public before you start planning your next big career move.

If you don’t feel the need to restrict access, you can at least filter it. Go through your photos to remove any which don’t cast you in a particularly professional light, and make use of the setting which prevents photos being shown on your profile before you give permission.

Fine-tune your bio

Nearly all social media profiles will include a space for you to write out a small bio. This is often of interest to recruiters, so you need to make sure yours gives the right impression.

LinkedIn is essentially dedicated to this purpose, so you’ll be able to structure a complete picture of your skills, experience, and personality. However, sites like Twitter and Facebook should never be neglected. In the limited available space, make sure you quickly summarise your experience, current position, and your skills. Try to make the tone more conversational than you would on a resume.

Update your profile regularly

Anyone looking to recruit will immediately become less enthusiastic about you if you seem to lack commitment. This is why all digital profiles need to be updated regularly. It becomes particularly important when looking for a new job in an area such as marketing where brand management is key. Social media allows you to create your own personal brand so make sure your information is up to date and your likes and interests are transmitting a positive message.

The fact that recruiters and potential employers will check your digital profiles actually presents an advantage for anyone willing to optimise their digital presence. Follow these tips to ensure that you stand out from the crowd and read our article on promoting yourself as a candidate on Facebook.